The Results Focused Organization
Is your organization Results-Focused? Are your managers Results-Focused?
Are your managers and team members aligned to achieve organizational goals?
Do your employees understand how their job is part of overall organizational goals?

“The Results-Focused Organization” is an essential guide to developing teams to work together towards enterprise success; with everyone understanding the common goals of the organization. It takes you from the beginning of the process – understanding the “Results-Focus” concept and methodology – through to management styles and overcoming resistance to change,
This guide offers managers detailed information to help employees understand how their position fits into the overall plan and where the company is going. It closely examines the pieces that include culture, climate and management styles as well as the inevitable resistance to change that frequently accompany adjustments, even when they are positive.
By following the path to successful results, you and your team will develop a clear understanding of what “Results-Focused” really means and how you will achieve sustainable enterprise success.
Praise for the “The Results-Focused Organization”
”This book is a game changer. In today’s business environment, no team can wair for results. Don has put together a plan that can make every member of a company’s team a most valuable player. Winning results will follow”
George Chamberlin, Executive Editor
San Diego Daily Transcript
To order your copy ($19.95), contact our office at 619 269-7338 or go to Contact Us on our website.