Over time as we have come across different situations in our consulting practice, SDW articles have been written, distributed and published. We also keep them here on the SDW website to provide insights and information in downloadable format.
There are a variety of subjects covered in these articles that you will find helpful for you and your organization. If there is a specific topic you would like us to address, let us know and it will be added to the publication list. We are always adding interesting and informative articles. If you would like to be notified by email when additional pieces are added, please email
Included in the articles are some that relate to all types of organizations and some that are specific to Native American enterprises. A good deal of our current and past customer base is Tribal related regarding Board of Directors and tribal internal relationships as well as the casinos and other tribal business enterprises.
We welcome feedback from the articles and white papers on our site. Please contact us for discussion, questions or comments. We would appreciate hearing from you.
Five Actions to Take After Your Employee Survey
Good for you…you surveyed your workforce to check on their level of employee engagement. However, asking the questions posed in the employee survey is only the first step toward improving levels of employee advocacy, discretionary effort and retention.
10 Proven Tips to Increase Your Employee Survey Response Rate
Employee culture surveys are only effective when employees respond. Moreover, you need a high enough survey response rate to aggregate accurate and actionable data.
The Results-Focused Organization
The Results-Focused Organization is an essential guide to developing teams to work together towards enterprise success; with everyone understanding the common goals of the organization.
Common Mistakes Made by Leaders
Professor Don Zillioux, Ph.D.
Founder and Chief Scientist, Strategic Development Worldwide & Swiss Academy of Leadership Sciences and Riphah Int. Univ.
Delegation: The Key to Leading a Dream Team
If a Leader does not learn the art of delegation, then he/she will never find themselves coaching a dream team. Leaders who can’t or won’t delegate create a bottleneck to productivity and success. Not every issue demands a Leader’s attention. Delegate!
Diagnosing Organizational Ills
Advances in the social sciences have led to the development of diagnostic methods that can identify weak spots in the organization and evaluate the potential effectiveness of various change techniques. The latter have become widely known and used; change techniques are available today that can deal with virtually any organization’s problem, although no single cure-all exists.
Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness
Hitting the Wall: What it is and how to survive it
Running a fast-growth company can be exhilarating. But when growth gets out of control, it can be a desperate, intensely emotional, painful, and often public experience.
How to defeat Organizational Sclerosis
How an organization can successfully confront organizational sclerosis and, unlike the living organism, ultimately defeat it.
Is Your Company Frozen?
In our years of experience in consulting with companies from start-up to Fortune 500, we have often run across companies we refer to as frozen—organizations that are locked in a state of indecision, false starts and frequent changes of direction in their quest for growth and profitability.
Organizational Alignment: What Should You Change?
Organizational Alignment – A state in which every person in the organization has a clear and agreed upon understanding of his or her role in delivering the organization strategy and objectives.
Ego, Humility and Empathy
To be a great developer of people, you must be personally secure.
Overcoming Resistance to Change
(Published in Tribal Business Journal) The truly effective company must be capable of adapting to changing conditions; it must be flexible when appropriate. A company that can make appropriate changes in its procedures, structure or products, as they are required, is well equipped for the continuing search for effectiveness.
Native American Articles and Publications
Key takeaways from 70k employee culture respondents in indian country
1. Communication
2. Training and Development
3. Teamwork
4. Service Missions
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
(Published in the Tribal Business Journal) There are two primary ways to conduct due diligence: Looking at the company or person that wants to do business with the tribe and the specific venture that is being proposed.
Strategic Leadership: Building Prepared Minds
(Published in Indian Gaming Magazine) Strategic leadership provides the vision and direction for the growth and success of an organization.
Organizational Alignment: Tribal Communities and Enterprises with Common Goals
(Published in Indian Gaming Magazine) Within the Native American community, this alignment must not just be embedded in the organization but also must extend to the Native American community at large.
Creating the Proper Legal infrastructure for Economic Development
(Published in Indian Gaming Magazine) Modern-day tribal governments should place a premium on promoting economic development within their respective communities.
Diversifying – Revenue Strategies in 2017 Native American
As tribes diversify their economic base, many choose to explore energy-related ventures – A tribal company within that sector can gain a substantial competitive advantage through a little known and never used provision.
Learning how to be effective
Try to answer this simple question. “How would you know at the end of the year that you have been effective?” The answer will be challenging if you pursue it honestly.
Can I Get there From Here – The need for planning and goal setting.
The road to economic self-determination is fraught with danger Finding the right partners and the right ventures is not easy because the world is filled with folks not quite up to the challenge.